

My Mums birthday cake

I was shown a picture on facebook of a cake and it made me smile so I showed my mum it and she told me she wanted it for her birthday. So of course as the amazing daughter I made her the cake.

This was a rather fun cake to make, not because of what it was but because of the amount of problems I had with it that resulted in patching it up with chocolate!! I made a cupcakes during the week that had marshmallows in the middle of them and my mum liked them so she asked me to make it into a big cake so I did; thinking it was going to plan I made it with a lot of marshmallows in the middle. It came out perfect, until is started to set... it sank in the middle leaving a bit hole. Thinking I would just cover it up with the melted chocolate which was what I was meant to do, I thought it would fix it.

After I had covered the side with chocolate frosting I added the Kit Kat's and let them set into place. I had quite a bit of chocolate frosting left; I told mum I had the problem with the hole and a load of chocolate frosting left, mum being mum and her friends at work she suggested I fill the hole up with chocolate frosting. So I used the rest of the chocolate frosting (over half the tub) and filled in the hole and covered the top of the cake. I then melted the chocolate and covered the chocolate frosting with the melted chocolate. After the chocolate had set a little I added the pigs, the pig in the middle (lying down) started to sink, so I had a lot of hassle trying to save this pig from sinking which was apparently quite funny to watch.

So when I had finished the cake I couldn't really call it a cake because of there not being a lot there; it was really just lots of types of chocolate. Mum was very pleased with it and so where her friends at work, so I think it was job well done!!


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